Celer将支持r/r/CryptoCurrency Moons代币MOON,跨链桥计划于3月20日上线
该桥接计划于3月20日上线,将允许用户将他们的MOON代币桥接或移动到L2扩容解决方案Arbitrum One上,而无需等待一周,就像Arbitrum的官方桥接一样。火币HTX报道,Reddit子版块r/CryptoCurrency宣布,用...
CRYPTOCURRENCY moon 2024-03-18 47
该桥接计划于3月20日上线,将允许用户将他们的MOON代币桥接或移动到L2扩容解决方案Arbitrum One上,而无需等待一周,就像Arbitrum的官方桥接一样。火币HTX报道,Reddit子版块r/CryptoCurrency宣布,用...
CRYPTOCURRENCY moon 2024-03-18 47
The department responsible for combating terrorism financing at the US Treasury has reported that financial institutions...
BE 2024-03-14 95
Data shows that the current total market value of cryptocurrencies has exceeded $2.9 trillion, currently at $2.908 trill...
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CRYPTOCURRENCY 2024-03-13 75
CoinDesk reported that bankrupt cryptocurrency lending company BlockFi has reached an $874.5 million settlement agreemen...
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According to The Block report, phishing attacks in the first two months of 2024 resulted in losses of up to $104 million...
CRYPTOCURRENCY 2024-03-11 48
CRYPTOCURRENCY 2024-03-08 110
A 2024-03-07 50