Boyaa Interactive's Hong Kong stock price exceeded HK$2 after opening, hitting a new high since Apri

A APRIL HIGH HK 2024-03-11 85
After the opening of the Hong Kong stock market on Monday, Boyaa Interactive opened 13.87% higher, reaching a high of HKD 2.03, rising 17.3% at one point, and rising for the fifth consecutive day, reaching a new high since April 2019. It is currently reported at HKD 1.89, up 9.25%, with a turnover of 12.398 million shares, involving a capital of 24.0873 million yuan. The company previously announced that in order to further promote the development and layout of its business in the Web3 field, it will seek shareholder approval at the shareholder meeting to further grant the purchase authorization of potential cryptocurrencies, authorizing the board of directors to continue purchasing cryptocurrencies with a total amount not exceeding USD 100 million.