Arkham:以太坊现货 ETF 每周资金流首次呈现正增长

据Arkham披露,以太坊现货ETF每周资金流实现了首次正增长,上周净流入31,500枚ETH,约合7,507万美元。这一增长主要是贝莱德推动的,贝莱德累计购入了价值1.6855亿美元的ETH。特别值得注意的是,8月7日贝莱德单日链上流入达到峰值,当日接收了价值1.0802亿美元的ETH。这一消息对于以太坊市场产生了重大影响,市场里的投资者纷纷对此表达了关注和期待。 Meanwhile, this also reflects the growing interest of institutional investors in the Ethereum market, signifying a potential shift in the landscape of cryptocurrency investment. Overall, the positive capital inflow and the increasing presence of institutional investors indicate a promising outlook for the Ethereum market. This development proves that Ethereum is gaining recognition and trust from traditional financial institutions, contributing to its status as a major player in the cryptocurrency market. The steady growth of capital inflow into the Ethereum ETF also showcases the expansion and diversification of investment portfolios in the cryptocurrency sector.