Polygon zkEVM launches custom endpoint to fix high predicted gas issue
Polygon zkEVM announced the launch of a custom endpoint to address the issue of estimated gas fees being much higher tha...
FIX 2024-03-12 65
Polygon zkEVM announced the launch of a custom endpoint to address the issue of estimated gas fees being much higher tha...
FIX 2024-03-12 65
According to the CoinShares weekly report, the total inflow of digital asset investment products reached $2.7 billion la...
digital 2024-03-11 76
INTO 2024-03-07 47
data 2024-03-07 70
Fantom Multichain 2024-03-05 116
火币HTX报道,针对加密社区流传的关于 Phantom 正在内部跟踪钱包并将其出售的消息,Phantom 联创 Brandon Millman 发文进行了澄清,并表示,Phantom 从来没有也永远不会向任何人出售或共享用户数据。...
火币HTX报道,IntoTheBlock 在 X 平台发文表示,95%的比特币地址现在处于浮盈状态。上一次达到这么高的占比是在 2021 年牛市顶部期,当时比特币价格超过 6 万美元。...
火币HTX报道,Fantom基金会在X平台表示,已经将Fantom基金会的部分存档 (RPC) 节点升级为Sonic,运营成本降低95%。同步速度提高10倍。请求容量提高9倍。这些节点实现了:存储使用量减少66%。...