BTC fell below 70000 USDT
HTX data showed that BTC fell below 70000 USDT and is now at 69989.32 USDT, with a decrease of 3.55% in 24H....
BTC 2024-03-13 47
HTX data showed that BTC fell below 70000 USDT and is now at 69989.32 USDT, with a decrease of 3.55% in 24H....
BTC 2024-03-13 47
According to official sources, Alchemy Pay, a provider of encrypted payment services, announced the launch of Card as a...
AI 2024-03-12 107
A 2024-03-12 91
火币HTX报道,去中心化网络Elixir以8亿美元估值完成B轮融资,该轮融资由 Mysten Labs 和 Maelstrom 共同牵头,筹集了 800 万美元,捐助方包括Manifold、Arthur Hayes、Amber Group、...
According to Blur market data, the "blue chip" NFT series floor prices have generally fallen, including:...
BAYC 2024-03-12 59
3月12日消息,NFT 项目 Memeland 宣布推出以社区为先的社交质押协议 Stakeland,主要目标是强化 Memeland 生态系统并促进 Memecoin 的增长,该平台允许用户质押其加密资产,如 MEME 或其他代币,以从新...
HTX data showed that BTC fell below 72000 USDT and is now at 71990.27 USDT, with a increase of 3.69% in 24H....
BTC 2024-03-12 96
火币HTX报道,行情显示,CELO上涨突破1.8美元,现报价1.802美元,日内涨幅达54.57%。行情波动较大,请做好风险控制。 消息面上:Tether官方此前宣布USDT即将在Celo区块链网络上推出。...
Layer 2 blockchain network Arbitrum plans to unlock $2.32 billion worth of ARB tokens on March 16th. According to digita...
ARB 2024-03-11 68
A 2024-03-11 111