Lido platform token pledge scale exceeds US$40 billion
According to official data, the scale of token collateral on the Lido platform has exceeded 40 billion US dollars, reach...
TOKEN 2024-03-12 56
According to official data, the scale of token collateral on the Lido platform has exceeded 40 billion US dollars, reach...
TOKEN 2024-03-12 56
A 2024-03-12 88
According to Dune data on March 7th, there are currently 1,282,631,732 PYTH tokens in a staked state, with a total stake...
A 2024-03-07 60
火币HTX报道,据NFTGo数据显示,NFT项目“胖企鹅”Pudgy Penguins #5965于大约16小时前以150 ETH价格成交,约合529,954.79美元,创该系列迄今第二高交易记录,仅次于Pudgy Penguins #68...
3月3日消息,据Coingecko数据,NFT项目NodeMonkes市值(487,965,022 美元)超越Pudgy Penguins(472,783,676 美元),暂列NFT市值排行榜第三。...
火币HTX报道,针对加密市场传出NFT项目“胖企鹅”Pudgy Penguins即将推出GENGU代币,该项目安全项目经理Beau在社交媒体发文称,如果用户期待获得代币,那么请不要购买Pudgy Penguins,目前Pudgy Pengu...
2月18日消息,据Snapshot治理页面显示,BadgerDAO社区发起“使用100万枚新铸造BADGER代币继续赔偿”提案投票。如果未获批准,将创建BIP 103(b)提案以投票是否继续进行赔偿,但不铸造新代币。...