Fed Chairman Powell: There is no reason to think the economy is at or at risk of a major recession
A 2024-03-07 88
A 2024-03-07 88
According to PShield monitoring, the clearing party Teneo of 3AC has transferred 34,750 USDC to the new address 0xc41ff…...
A 2024-03-06 87
The LayerZero-based multi-chain anti-MEV DEX aggregator Cashmere announced that it has taken a snapshot on the Goerli te...
A 2024-03-06 93
IS 2024-03-06 86
Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index is 75. Greed. Current Price: $66384.8.。...
bitcoin 2024-03-06 108
According to market data, WIF rose to $1.87 before falling back, now quoted at $1.8061, with a 24-hour increase of 51.88...
AT 2024-03-06 73
MINA 2024-03-06 64
火币HTX报道,加密矿企Core Scientific发布了2月份的生产和运营更新,截至2月末,该公司运营着约222,000台自有和托管的比特币矿机,2月产出893枚自挖比特币,其客户在数据中心赚取了约307枚比特币。...
火币HTX报道,Dash宣布发布Core Version 20.1.0版本,其中包括大量错误修复、backports等更新,该版本还使HD(种子短语)钱包成为全节点核心钱包的默认值,并还添加了“离散模式”来隐藏钱包余额。...
火币HTX报道,区块链数据存储协议Serenity Shield在社交媒体发文称,即将在中心化交易所(CEX)上推出SERSH v2代币。...