The market capitalization of USDC returned to above US$30 billion, setting a record since May 2023
According to Coingecko data, the market value of USDC has returned to above $30 billion, reaching a record high since Ma...
A 2024-03-10 86
According to Coingecko data, the market value of USDC has returned to above $30 billion, reaching a record high since Ma...
A 2024-03-10 86
火币HTX报道,加密出入金解决方案提供商Onramp Money宣布完成战略种子轮融资,具体金额暂未披露,FunFair Technologies Group 旗下风投机构FunFair Ventures 参投并与之达成战略合作伙伴关系。...
火币HTX报道,据 Snapshot 治理页面显示,Aave 社区投票通过“以太坊 v2 储备系数调整”温度检查提案。该提案显示,建议定期增加 Aave v2 以太坊储备系数(RF),以鼓励用户迁移到 Aave v3。...
According to Farside Investors data on March 9th, the cumulative net inflow of the US Bitcoin spot ETF reached 2.237 bil...
bitcoin 2024-03-09 113
CEO 2024-03-09 68
ARE 2024-03-09 73
火币HTX报道,Cyvers Alerts在X平台表示,DeFi交易平台unizen疑似遭到攻击,多笔交易被恶意批准,总损失达到210万枚USDT。...
HTX 2024-03-08 62
Last Thursday, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed the Decentralized Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act, which is...
AS 2024-03-08 107