Meta announces updates to WhatsApp and Messenger that will take a privacy-centric approach to buildi
A 2024-03-10 100
A 2024-03-10 100
According to data from ordcity on March 10th, The Runestone #63140674 was sold for 8 BTC, equivalent to approximately $5...
BTC 2024-03-10 96
火币HTX报道,加密出入金解决方案提供商Onramp Money宣布完成战略种子轮融资,具体金额暂未披露,FunFair Technologies Group 旗下风投机构FunFair Ventures 参投并与之达成战略合作伙伴关系。...
Crypto 2024-03-10 63
1.Tether signs MOU with Uzbekistan NAPP to promote the development and adoption of stablecoins and digital asset tokeniz...
HTX 2024-03-09 82
the 2024-03-09 55
L2 链可以通过该市场将区块空间出售给共享提议者(proposer),包括以太坊主网 EVM 的提议者,他们通过满足多条链上的用户意图来创造剩余价值。3月9日消息,Espresso Systems 发文宣布正在创建共享测序市场 Based ...
ConsenSys-owned Layer2 network Linea announced on social media that it will mint LXP for users who have participated in...
IN 2024-03-09 113
火币HTX报道,区块链基础设施公司EspressoSystems推出Based Espresso的测序市场,这是一个向共享提议者拍卖排序权的市场。共享排序权包括参与分配给共享提议者的插槽拍卖,而共享提议者又会选择实体为rollup提议即将到...