Powell reiterates: Fed cannot launch CBDC without congressional approval
Fed Chairman Powell reiterated that the Fed cannot launch CBDC without congressional approval....
LAUNCH 2024-03-08 45
Fed Chairman Powell reiterated that the Fed cannot launch CBDC without congressional approval....
LAUNCH 2024-03-08 45
GUILD 2024-03-08 114
DO 2024-03-08 45
bitcoin 2024-03-08 87
BASE 2024-03-08 86
app 2024-03-08 77
火币HTX报道,根据官方公告,Cosmos IBC已上线以太坊L2 Scroll,该功能是通过互操作层Union实现的,通过其去信任、去中心化的zkIBC桥将允许资产和消息从任何支持IBC的链转移到Scroll中。...
According to HTX data, the current TVL of DeFi protocols is $306.16 B. The top five locked assets are Eth2($118.19 B), L...
DEFI 2024-03-08 93
此外,Jannick Preiwisch还称,此前已向西班牙监管机构提供了Worldcoin 和 World ID 的准确视图,但在过去几个月并未收到回复,现在有机会帮助 AEPD 更好地了解有关这项重要且合法技术的重要事实。...
Worldcoin has announced 28 projects selected for the Wave0 community grant program to advance the construction of the Wo...
for 2024-03-08 86