The TVL of DeFi protocols is $308.92 B, and Eth2 ranks first
According to HTX data, the current TVL of DeFi protocols is $308.92 B. The top five locked assets are Eth2($120.31 B), L...
DEFI 2024-03-07 75
According to HTX data, the current TVL of DeFi protocols is $308.92 B. The top five locked assets are Eth2($120.31 B), L...
DEFI 2024-03-07 75
火币HTX报道,Bitrace在X平台发文称,攻击者利用WOOFi漏洞,价值76.3万美元的ETH被转移至以太坊地址0x9961,价值774万美元的ETH被转移至Arbtrum One地址0xb59d。...
火币HTX报道,Deribit亚太商务负责人Lin Chen在X平台发文表示,ETH的DVOL波动率指数创1年内新高,达到81。...
A 2024-03-06 79
HTX data showed that ETH broke through 3800 USDT and is now at 3800.67 USDT, with a increase of 3.03% in 24H....
ETH 2024-03-06 78
火币HTX报道,OpenSea数据显示,NFT巨鲸Kanbas已经以总计786 ETH的价格购入Fidenza #49和Fidenza #667,其中Fidenza #49购入价为496 ETH(186.6万美元),Fidenza #667...
3月6日消息,Blur数据显示,Milady NFT系列地板价升至4.95 ETH,近7日上涨44.71%。SuZhu表示,其最近扫入了一些Milady。...
3月6日消息,Blur 数据显示,Mutant Ape Yacht Club(MAYC)地板价跌破 3 ETH,目前为 2.99 ETH,单日下跌 6.5%,近 7 日下跌达 26.43%。MAYC 总量 2 万枚,其中 1 万枚通过荷兰式...